Format Date
Change the date format of the "Date of Donation" column in the Donations export. <?php…
Add Donate Button
Add Donate Button to display a particular campaign's button. <?php /** * USAGE: * *…
Display the Last Updated Date
Display the Last Updated Date of a post in WordPress. <?php $u_time = get_the_time( 'U'…
Display Reading Time
Display Reading Time for posts and give readers an idea of how long it will…
Scroll Progress Bar
Add a scroll progress bar to enhance user experience by visually indicating how much of…
Disable Lazy Load
Disable Lazy Load and avoid delaying the loading of images <?php add_filter( 'wp_lazy_loading_enabled', '__return_false' );
Disable Plugin & Theme Editor
Disable the Plugin and Theme Editors in WordPress and prevent unauthorized users from editing code.…
Change the excerpt length
Change the excerpt length and control how much of your content is displayed <?php add_filter(…
Disable Self Pingbacks
Disable Self Pingbacks and prevent your site from sending notifications to itself. <?php add_action( 'pre_ping',…
Disable Emojis
Disable Emojis and reduce unnecessary code bloat and improve site performance <?php /** * Disable…