Disable Self-Pingbacks
Disable self-pingbacks in WordPress, which are notifications sent to yourself when you link to your own posts.
* Disable self-pingbacks.
* @param array $links An array of links to ping.
* @return array The filtered array of links.
function disable_self_pingbacks( $links ) {
// Get the URL of the current site
$home = home_url();
// Loop through the array of links
foreach ( $links as $key => $link ) {
// Check if the link contains the current site's URL
if ( strpos( $link, $home ) === 0 ) {
// Remove the link if it's a self-pingback
unset( $links[ $key ] );
return $links;
// Apply the function to the 'pre_ping' filter
add_filter( 'pre_ping', 'disable_self_pingbacks' );
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